Chapter9.constructors and garbage collection

The Stack and the Heap

In java,we care about two areas of memory--the one where objects live(the heap),and the one where method invocations and local variables live(the stack).When a JVM starts up,it gets a chunk of memory from the underlying OS,and uses it to run your Java program.



Instance Variables

Instance avriables are declared inside a class but not inside a method.They represent the "fields" that each individual object has(which can be filled with different values for each instance of the class).Instance variables live inside the object they belong to.



Local Variables

Local variables are declared inside a method,including method parameters.They're temporary,and live only as long as the method is on the stack(in other words,as long as the method has not reached the closing curly brace).



Methods are stacked

When you call a method,the method lands on the top of a call stack.That new thing that's actually pushed onto the stack is the stack frame,and it holds the state of the method including which line of code is executiong,and the values of all local variables.



What about local variables that are objects?

a non-primitive variable holds a reference to an object,not the object itself.It doesn't matter where they're declared or created.If the local variable is a reference to an object,only the variable goes ont the stack.The object itself still goes in the heap.



The role of superclass constructors in an object's life.

All the constructors in an object's inheritance tree must run when you make a new object.

That means every superclass has a constructor(because every class has a constructor),and each constructor up the hierarchy runs at the time an object of a subclass is created.

A subclass might inherit methods that depend on superclass state(in other words,the value of instance variables in the superclass).For an object to be fully-formed,and that's why the super constructor must run.All instance variables from every class in the inheritance tree have to be declared and initialized.The superclass constructor must finish before its subclass constructor.

When a constructor runs,it immediately calls its superclass constructor,all the way up the chain until you get to the class Object constructor.Even abstract classes have constructors.






this() and super()

  • Use this() to call a constructor from another overloaded constructor in the same class.

  • The call to this() can be used only in a constructor,and must be the first statement in a constructor.

  • A constructor can have a call to super() OR this(),but never both!

this() 和 super()

  • 使用this()调用同一个类另一个被重载的构造函数。

  • 调用this()必须在构造函数中,必须是构造函数中第一行语句。

  • super()与this()不能出现在同一个构造函数中。

The difference between life and scope for local variables


A local variable is alive as long as its Stack frame is on the Stack.In other words,until the method completes.


A local variable is in scope only within the method in which the variable was declared.When its own method calls another,the variable is alive,but not in scope until its method resumes.You can use a variable only when it is scope.






How does variable life affect object life?

An objecy is alive as long as there are live references to it.If a reference variable goes out of scope but is still alive,the object it refers to is still alive on the Heap.And then you have to ask..."What happens when the Stack frame holding the reference gets popped off the Stack at the end of the mehod?"

If that was the only live reference to the object,the object is now abandoned on the Heap.The trick is to know the point at which an object becomes eligible for garbage collection.




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